In the noble pursuit of serving the world and positively impacting lives, healers and spiritual business owners pour their hearts and souls into their offers. They tirelessly work to make a difference, driven by a deep desire to bring about positive change, but then (insert screeching sound) they face the daunting and uncomfortable task of SELLING, which is absolute YUK. Promoting yourself is never easy, but the truth is, if your offer is genuinely going to transform someone's life, why wouldn't you sell?
In this blog post, I'll share the wisdom I use to sell my offers and guide you through three steps you can start taking to sell more and make this year one to remember.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Nurture Your Sacred List
The first step to selling more of your offer is to nurture your sacred list. Your list is not just a collection of names; it's a community of individuals who know, like, and trust you. These connections are precious, as they can potentially transform your business and your life.
Imagine your list as a garden. To yield a bountiful harvest, you must tend to it diligently. Email and text your list, not once or twice, but consistently. Provide them with valuable insights, inspiration, and solutions to their problems. Show them that you are the beacon of light they've been seeking.
The people on your list who have already bought from you, are your most valuable assets. Remind them why they chose to work with you in the first place and demonstrate that you can successfully guide them along yet another step of a transformational path.
If you find your list lacking in quality or quantity, prioritize list building.

There is no better way to build your business than to build your list.
Step 2: Embrace the Power of Live Connection
Going live on your social channels allows you to bridge the gap between you and your audience in a profound way. When you're live, it's not about promoting your offer directly but rather about engaging with your community on a deeper level.
During these live sessions, ask your audience about their problems and pain points. Listen with an open heart and offer guidance and support. Relate everything you say to the solutions provided in your offer. Don't go off on a tangent, and make sure you keep the conversation aligned with your offer.
If you know your offer can genuinely help your audience, gently suggest that you hold the key to their solutions. This is where the magic happens, where live value drives conversions.
Step 3: Illuminate with Purposeful Lead Magnets
Purpose and value go hand in hand. Your lead magnets shouldn't be superficial bribes but be purposeful and transformational. A good lead magnet guides your leads along one step of a transformational path. They are meaningful steps toward a desired destination.
Conversely, a bad lead magnet, like meditations, serves neither you nor your leads because they give too much responsibility to the lead. The most important thing to consider when developing your lead magnet is the outcome. What outcome will the lead experience so that they trust that you are the person to guide them through an entire transformation?
If you're struggling to create a lead magnet that converts, jump over to the Rich Witch Course where you'll learn how to design lucrative lead magnets and make loads of money.
Conclusion: Connection Is Currency
In conclusion, the significance of connection cannot be overstated. Establishing a genuine connection with your audience allows them to relate to you and recognize the value you bring to their lives. Intimacy in your relationships with your audience isn't just a measure of trust; it's also a key driver of income. When people feel seen, heard, and understood, they are more inclined to invest in the solutions you offer, knowing that you are not just a provider but a partner on their journey to success.
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