Let's face it, April 2024 was a doozy! A Mercury retrograde, a new moon in Aries total solar eclipse, the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, and Scorpio full moon. 😅 Wowza!
But what if I told you all this cosmic weather had been a setup? That's right - these cosmic events have created a divine timeline to help you raise your vibe and manifest the life of your dreams.
Let's break it down:
- Mercury went retrograde in Aries. Aries is your "I AM." And Mercury- the planet of communication - in retrograde - asking you to slow down and surrender to your "I AM" or the person you are energetically, at any given moment.
- Then, The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse showed you how to eclipse your old "I AM" so that you could emerge into the light as a new "I AM."
- If that wasn't enough, The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction - the biggest conjunction of the year - invited you to start a new 14-year cycle of radical change and abundance as your new "I AM!"

Me with Jupiter in my second house of self-worth, and finances.💸
- Pluto retrogrades in Aquarius. This gives you more time to reflect on the old "I AM" that may still be lingering around. At the same time, it asks you to ponder how you will move forward as your new "I AM" into the new age (aka - the 14-year cycle that Jupiter & Uranus just initiated for us)
- Mars in Aries fires us up to take action to actually BE your new "I AM."
- AND BOOM 🚀 the Taurus New Moon comes floating in at PRIME TIME to help you set powerful intentions to manifest from your new bad-ass I AM!
The Manifesting Vibe:
Specifically, under this energy, we are manifesting more love, greater harmony, stronger values - and yes, MORE WEALTH.
Manifesting Wealth With Taurus VIBES
Taurus, ruled by Venus, is inherently connected to material wealth and comfort. The New Moon's position helps you enhance your focus on these aspects of life. But, remember, astrological energy is archetypal that shows you the energy you "should" align with but doesn't do the alignment work for you.
Also, remember that Taurus is not into some Kumbaya Law of Attraction manifesting BS. It's the BULL - without the shit, and it means business. Associated with the root chakra, it knows it has to dig its heals into the ground to manifest material abundance.
Here Are some Alignment Techniques You Can Use to Set Your Taurus New Moon Intentions:
- Heal Your Money Wounds: Mostly, your money wounds don't belong to you. They were inhereted and by no means are you required to carry them with you.
- Set Financial Goals & Write Them Down: When you write down your goals, it tells your brain what's essential through something called the reticular activating system, or RAS. This sharpens your focus on those goals and strengthens the brain's pathways, making you more likely to spot and grab opportunities that help you achieve them. 🎯 Make sure you read the goals every day to keep your mind sharp and open to manifesting your money goals.
- Learn More About Money: My favorite no-BS manifesting technique is simple: learn about it. When you learn more about something - the vibration of what you are learning about fills the consciousness body and makes you more magnetic to whatever you're learning about.
A guy by the name of Robert Breedlove has an entire YouTube channel focused on "What Is Money." It's fabulous. And, since our monetary system is changing FAST - you might want to tune in and hear what he has to say.
If you want to learn more about money and who my mentors are, comment on this post, and I'll be sure to share.
Rich, Hot & Happy? YES, I AM
If you know me, you know that I have 3 favorite words: Rich, Hot & Happy and when you achieve all three - it's offical, you've won the cosmic lottery.
But before you cringe, remember that - you define rich, hot, and happy - and your definition is essentially your I AM.
You don't have to be a multimillionaire, an ista model, or swinging from the trees with an ape's smile all the time.
Your rich, hot, and happy is defined by your I AM.
In addition to wealth, comfort, and material abundance, Taurus reminds us of the importance of caring deeply about the physical experience. Too many "spiritual" people write off the sacred nature of the bodies. The body isn't just flesh and bones; it's our mind, heart, and house for the soul simultaneously.
So, this is a wonderful time to get mentally, physically, and spiritually fit to conjure that rich, hot, and happy vibe! The best advice I can give you for this type of fitness regime is to hit that root chakra and sweep out any old feelings that make you think less of yourself.
You are worthy of your rich, hot, happy life - make sure you claim it: I AM.
Conclusion: Name It & Claim It
The New Moon in Taurus opens a gateway to grounded growth, financial prosperity, and joy. But remember - the Universe doesn't do the work for you -it works WITH you. Name and claim your new I AM, and watch your rich, hot, happy life manifest over the next 14 years.
Heres the YouTube Video for this vibe!
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