
How to Feel Sexy AF

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Founder of Conscious Creators Boot Camp, where I'll show you how to heal & manifest a life you love- no matter where you are today. I'm also a wife, mama, daughter, and one of the happiest women I know! Want to get to know me? Come to any of my social channels and say hi!

I'm Lisa!

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If you’re not part of the .000001 part of the population who was born sexy, don’t worry because you and I are about to create you sexy 😉 That’s right. You don’t have to be born sexy. You can create the feeling of sexy so that you can radiate like a god or goddess and own any room you choose at any age.

What's In This Vibe

My Secret to Sexy

What’s Not Sexy

5 Steps To Create Sexy

Wrap Up…

My Secret to Sexy

Sexy might be different to you than me, but I think we’ll agree on what’s not sexy, and that’s perfection. To be sexy, you have to be alluring, which means you have to have a vibe that nobody can figure out. It’s about existing as curiosity so that people want more, but you never give them quite enough.

But that’s not all. As a creator, you must embody what you create. Whether you’re building wealth, cultivating a soulful relationship, achieving rock-hard abs, or creating sexy, you need to feel it internally before your conscious awareness accepts it as real. This means that when you’re alone, you should generally feel sexy more often than not.

What’s Not Sexy

What’s not sexy is self-deception, which involves misleading yourself with a false self-perception. If you have a distorted view of yourself (as many people do), you might fail to recognize your own magnetic allure. Internalized negative beliefs, past experiences, and societal pressures can warp your perception, making you feel less sexy compared to others. However, the truth is that there’s something inherently sexy about you that sets you apart.

5 Steps To Create Sexy

It’s difficult to embody sexiness if you’re deceiving yourself through self-perception. So, how can you shift your perspective to feel sexy both in public and in private? Here are five essential steps to transform from feeling unsexy or sorta sexy to truly sexy AF:

1. Heal Your Wounded Beliefs 

It’s crucial to address and heal your wounded beliefs because they shape how you view yourself. These internal barriers can distort your self-image and hinder your ability to embrace your true allure. By focusing on healing, you lay the groundwork for a more confident and sexy you.

2. Get Comfortable in Your Skin 

Embrace the physical experience of your body. Feeling sexy starts with appreciating your physical self and tuning into your body’s sensations. Pay attention to how your body feels and moves, and align with the energy of your sacral chakra—the center of creativity and sensuality. When you connect with this energy, you enhance your allure and confidence.

3. Connect with the Right People 

Surround yourself with individuals who resonate with your vibe. Gamers will find their community, trainers will connect with fitness enthusiasts, and so on. By mingling with those who appreciate and confirm your sexiness, you validate your own sense of allure and strengthen your confidence.

4. Build Your Aura 

Cultivate a glowing aura that magnetically draws others to you. An empowered aura radiates confidence and sensuality, transforming you into a captivating presence. Embrace your inner goddess or god, and let your aura shine with undeniable magnetism.

5. Advanced Self-Care 

Move beyond traditional self-care routines like facials, yoga, and weight training. Dive deeper into freeing and integrating your soul. Engage in practices that connect you with your soul’s essence and allow you to live more authentically through your soul rather than your ego. This profound self-care enriches your life experience and enhances your inner and outer sexiness.

Wrap Up…

Feeling sexy is an art that transcends age, appearance, and societal standards. It’s about cultivating a magnetic presence and embracing your unique allure. By addressing and healing your wounded beliefs, getting comfortable in your skin, connecting with like-minded individuals, building a powerful aura, and engaging in advanced self-care, you can transform your self-perception and radiate confidence.

Remember, sexiness isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about embodying an irresistible, authentic vibe that reflects your true self. Embrace these steps and watch as you move from feeling unsexy or sorta sexy to confidently sexy AF. You have the power to redefine what sexiness means to you and project that magnetic energy into every room you enter. Own your allure, and let your inner goddess or god shine brightly at any age.

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